Live Event Photos
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg
Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel
Leonard Cohen
Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip
Amanda Parris (CBC host) and Spike Lee
Emmylou Harris
Sheryl Crow
John Prine
Dr. John
Steve Earle
Steve Earle
Daniel Lanois
Toots & The Maytals
Pete Seeger
Josh Ritter
The Barr Brothers
Chelsea Handler
Mike Scott and The Waterboys
Taj Mahal
Jane Goodall
School of Rock - London
Nora Guthrie
Mark Zekulin and Bruce Linton - Former CEOs, Canopy Growth
Mother Mother
Jennifer Gasoi
Elvis Perkins
Elvis Perkins
Daniel Libeskind, Architect
Bill “The Spaceman” Lee
Derek Riedle - Founder, Civilized
Josh "Socalled" Dolgin
Socalled and Friends
Socalled With Strings, London
Leif Vollebekk
Ayanna Witter-Johnson
Annakin Slayd
Colter Wall
James Forest
James Forest
Kat Goldman
L'il Andy
Mike Evin
Iguana on Fire
Corinna Rose
Sarah Segal-Lazar
Daniel Isaiah
Po' Lazarus
The Good Lovelies
Lake of Stew
Gypsy Kumbia Orchestra
Ember Swift - House concert
The Mammals
Jabbour Band
I Medici
Crowdsurfer at Tweed 'Front Yard Shindig'
Chef Murteza Talu - Moishe’s Steakhouse - Grand Re-opening
Mireille Silcoff - Hot Chain literary salon
Todd Shapiro
Heidi Small, Kid Koala
Graham Cuthbertson as Dick Powell
Graham Cuthbertson - Movieland film shoot
Bobby Bare Jr.
Katie Moore
Caroline Addison - River City Junction
Sophie Lukacs
Kalima, in Hawaii
Coyote & Crow
Tessah Dunn
Rookie Rook & Cie
Mendy Cahan
Dave Lazar of Iguana on Fire
Ribbon-cutting ceremony - Grand opening of Walmart Marché Central (Montreal)
Jonathan Cheung (chef/owner Appetite for Books) and Christos Sourligas (filmmaker/author)
Jonah Carson - The JEM
Jonah Carson
Basic White
Chef Josh Crowe (Monkland Tavern) at Outstanding in the Field gastronomy event
Ryan Stotland
Johnny Legdick - Play performance
Brother 12: A Rock Opera
Jenna Dennison - Formula 1 Montreal
Ben Harnden-Apel
Flashback featuring Yosi Knecht
Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
Mark Bassel
Mark Peetsma
Yiddish Theatre Festival
L'il Andy
Ron Gesser, Photographer
Lee Haberkorn, Virgin Radio
Howard Chackowitz and Howard Mitnick
House Party, Montreal
The Waterboys
Josh Ritter and the Royal City Band
Peter Gabriel and band